Harini nak share ketakjuban aku dengan beberapa gambar baby di bawah. Sebagai contoh baby dari Russia ni. Lahir saja dah cecah 17 pound, 1 ounce (7.75 kg)! Macam baby berusia 4 ke 5 bulan beratnya. Tak percaya? Ini kisah benar tau. Tengoklah kat bawah... Mungkin korang tak kisah sebab dah pernah tengok. Tapi aku sungguh jakun sebab ini 1st time aku tengok. Comel tu comel! tapi.... nak dukung masa tengah pantang? adu duuuu....
Nadia was delivered by Caesarean section in the local maternity hospital in the Altai region on September 17, joining eight sisters and three brothers, a local reporter said.
"We were all simply in shock," said Nadia's mother, Tatyana Barabanova, 43. "What did the father say? He couldn't say a thing - he just stood there blinking."
Tengok dia punya peha... macam KFC debabnya!
Beza besar. Kedua-duanya baby baru lahir.
Tapi saiz sungguh berbeza.
According to this email forward, the accompanying photographs show newborn Nadia, a baby born in Russia that weighed in at a whopping 17 pound, 1 ounce (7.75 kg). A number of site visitors have contacted me to ask if the photographs are genuine. Some have suggested that the images may have been manipulated to make the baby seem bigger than she really is.
However, the photographs are genuine and the description is accurate. Baby Nadia was born at the maternity hospital in the Altai region of Siberia on 17 September 2007. As the message states, Nadia weighed 17 pound, 1 ounce at birth. Mother Tatyana Barabanova, who has eleven other children, noted that all her babies have weighed over 11 pounds (5 kg) at birth.
Kidshealth.org notes that most full term newborns weigh between 6 pounds, 2 ounces (2.8 kg) and 9 pounds, 2 ounces (4.1 kg). However, newborns of Nadia's weight and even heavier are certainly not unprecedented. According to the 2008 edition of Guinness World Records, the heaviest newborn ever recorded was a baby born in 1879 that weighed 23 pounds 12 ounces (10.8 kg). He lived for only a few hours. The heaviest newborn to survive was a boy born in Italy in 1955 that weighed 22 pounds 8 ounces (10.2kg).
A SIBERIAN woman who gave birth to her 12th child was stunned that little Nadia weighed in at a massive 7.75 kg.
Nadia, who weighs 17.1 lbs in the old scale, was delivered by caesarean section in the local maternity hospital in the Altai region on September 17, joining eight sisters and three brothers, local reports say.
"We were all simply in shock," said Nadia's mother, Tatyana Barabanova, 43.
"I ate everything, we don't have the money for special foods so I just ate potatoes, noodles and tomatoes," she said, adding that all her previous babies had weighed over 5 kg.
The Guinness World Records lists a 10.2 kg baby boy born in Italy in 1955, and a 10.8 kg baby boy who was born in the United States in 1879 but died 11 hours later.
The average weight for most healthy newborn babies is around 3.2 kg, according to World Health Organisation figures.
An eight-month-old baby boy in Jilin, Northeast China has tipped the scales at over three stone.
Weighing 18.8 kg (41 pounds) and measuring 78 centimeters in height, he was born with a normal birth weight of 3.3 kg (7 pounds 4 oz).
The eight-month-old baby starting putting on extra weight when he was one month old
However, he starting putting on extra weight when he was one month old, according to his parents.
His mother nurses him more than 20 times a day because he often feels hungry. Because of his obesity, he is unable to crawl or stand.
gelak sorg2 depan pc baca n3 ni..
geram dibuatnya.. tp tak rela ehh, nak bawa perut beso2 kalo baby lebih 4 kg.. nak bawa 3 kg pun dah semput abis...
mak aii..debab nyer..kecik2 debab xpe comel..hihi
k.yong... klu wan sure rasa nak terbarai perut bawak baby besar.. confirm hari2 kena berurut :P
aenareal... betul tu.
klu baby2 mcm ini semua org nk cubit2 pipi tu :)
tapi klu dh besar masih jugak debab macam tu rs nk kesian la pulak. risau dijadikan bahan gelak je la. psikology jugak mgkn prob sbb kurang confident sbb selalu diejek2, dipndg2 dan dgelak2.
debab gila..mcm kuih apam balik..
pipi mcm belon...aduhaii
hada... kenapa gmbr profile ko? adu la... wat aku gelak je la malam2 gini XP
yg tido gaya sisi yg best tu. berapa kilo lemak kat pipi saja ha....
comel tgk baby debab nih..alahai x larat nk usung perut..hehehe [xde pngalaman lagik]
ehe... sok2 dpt bb merasa la dukung bb berat xberat. nak2 dpt kembar... fening kepala. berat ke ringan ke izza, yg penting sihat... kan izza :)
nasib baik bersalin ceaser kan, kalau normal mau koyak rabak....huhuhu....
takut plak tengok baby besor2 camnie....
mcm obes pun ya juga....
xdpt nk imagine yg lahirkan cara normal bb besar dabak gini. my fren smpi koyak kulit punggung sbb bb dia lahir besar. sian dia, masa pntang seksa sikit la huhu
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